Saturday, June 21, 2014

Not a Lotta Nothing...

I doesn't feel like I got a whole lot accomplished with my horses this week but in fact I did quite a bit! The reason why I don't feel productive is because I didn't stay on track with my training goals and instead went out and just kinda winged it.... but in a good way. I hauled Abby and Marm out on Monday night to an arena and I ended up working both of them to a sweat in the deep soft ground, the first work they have had in almost a month. Abby was surprisingly goosey that night, I ended up asking her to do more than I planned just because I needed to get and keep her attention. Then on Tuesday morning I actually hauled out again to a trail and had a really nice ride on Marm.  On Wedneday night I hauled Marm and Abby up to the little arena on my other property and had a nice short ride on both. I worked Abby to a light sweat again and she really was light and fresh from being tuned up a little on the ride a few days before. While I haven't worked with Hola specifically I do like that she was left twice at home "alone" (not really because a boarder's gelding is there and Ella too but not her every day herd). I feel bad that I didn't get to get Hola out in the trailer this week but still hope to get that done tomorrow night. On Thursday night  I got on Marm with the intention of riding out on the road/trail on both mares but the mosquitos were just too bad so I roped a little off of Marm but after missing ten times in a row I was so frustrated I knew my aim was unlikely to improve and so called it quits. That night I rode her in a halter with just the lead rope (one rein) and she was guiding around beautifully. Finally this evening I went to the barn with the intention of riding but again the bugs were horrendous and I just didn't have a mind to do much of anything as I had done yoga followed by gong bath meditation (which was weird, cool and just a little annoying) that morning and found that rather than being energized and centered as I usually am by practicing yoga I was actually irritable and flustered. I think it may be because this was the first time I had done yoga in a group (not at home to my favorite DVDs) and had a really hard time concentrating and finding my inner zen. I think I will try it again (the yoga not the gong bath) as I do believe that finding my center while in a group setting could actually help me in my everyday life. But that is another post for another day. Namaste!

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