Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Team of Horse Crazed Blogger-Buddies!!

However, I'm not great with rules.
And so, when in summer of last year I found a local mare online that really liked and despite the fact I was in no position to buy a horse.... and despite that she was vastly inappropriate- not being the right size, breeding, conformation, training or having potential in any discipline I'm interested in- and despite my golden rule, I contacted the owner and immediately starting scheming how I might get her....
However, eventually logic did win out and after watching some video and getting the advice from Cheli's Team of Logical-Minded Friends I talked myself out of pursuing her any further....
I told myself to forget about her and never looked back.
*hysterical laughter* Oh my! As if... A rabid dog with a juicy bone aint got nothin' on me baby!
I didnt forget about her. But I did move on.
*snort* Oh, I crack myself up.
Less than a month later I was e-mailing the owner again to see if we could work out a lease but the owner needed to get her sold and I couldnt commit to a lease to purchase. I knew it was for the best.... and so I actually resisted temptation for a second time!
But the story doesnt end there! I had to resist her yet again when I discovered that she had come back up for sale or lease early this year by the lady who purchased after I crapped out! I contacted the new owner but quickly discovered that a lease wouldnt work due to an issue I'll not get into here (to due with bad bitchy blood with a related party).... and so I let her go once and for all....

Of course that didnt stop me from lamenting over her, watching her videos and going back to moon over her picture a few times a month... or week... (not everyday, I promise!) I just couldnt put my finger on why I was inexplicably drawn to her, why I was infatuated with a horse I've never met and would never allow myself to buy....
Okay, so it's not exactly unheard of for me to obsess over horses I want. But this one was more inexplicable than most!
And so I went out and found Jewel, the horse I am currently semi-leasing- a nice, broke, quiet and sensible mare.
Anyways, yesterday I went out to the barn for the first time in a month, looking forward to a nice little ride to get back in to the swing of things before my lesson (also the first in a month) on Monday. The barn where Jewel lives is a small private farm with just 6 stalls and a few run-in sheds, and just two boarders. The two paddock/sheds had been empty for some time and so I was a little surprised when I went to grab Jewel from the field to find an unfamiliar sorrel mare staring back at me from across the fence. I walked up to greet her, clucking softly and cooed "Hey there stranger, who're you?" when a rustling from the dark confines of the adjoining shed brought me up short. I squinted into the blackness to find a faint white stripe bobbing in tune with the rustle of hay in a plastic trough. I clucked again and a head shot up. A black mare, bright eyes glinting in the faint light huffed a breath to take in my scent. A chill ran up my spine as I took in a thin white blaze both distinct and familiar in shape. The mare. My mare. The one I'd never met but lusted after for months! She had found me.
"Damn it!" My brain piped up, "Step away from the horse Chelsi. Dont go to her. Dont! Stop! No, if you pet her you're going to want her! Oh man! Her muzzle just touched my cheek! Oh no! It's so soft! Run! Get away before it's too late!" And then... *sigh* I gave up. I gave in and loved up on her. I let myself "feel" her.

And then I phoned DB (Darling Boyfriend) and the rest of the Chelsi's Team of Logic-Minded Friends and let them talk me down.
I cant have this mare.
No way. No how.
I'm almost ready to accept that.
So I'll now address my Team of Fellow Horse Crazed Blogger-Buddies...
*motions towards the floor... or in the case keyboard*
Tak'er away!
PS- I'm pretty sure she's not sound and wouldnt stand up to hard work... just a minor detail, really...
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Pull of the Project Horse

Since then I've heard off and on that the distention between her Mom and Cisco continued....the longer he sat not being used the more the distance between them grew until everything came to a head one day when her Mom met and fell in love with a Mini... a mini who Cisco met and instantly decided to kick the crap out of. Anyways, last night I hear that Cisco is for sale. Of course I havent stopped thinking about him since.

(Diesel the Beagle hanging out at the barn, looking at Roxy's paddock)
Next horse, Roxy. A solid bay four-year-old bay mare I met a few weeks ago. She isnt clicking with her owner either... a difference in personality types we'll call it. Well, her and I got along just fine. She has a pretty head, nice big solid body and a sweet eye. I didnt ride her but I did spent a good while hanging over the fence loving up on her. Roxy will come up for sale next month. I havent stopped thinking about her either.

What is it with the pull of the "reject"horse. ("reject" meaning the horses the owners dont want for whatever reason.) Is it Flicka Syndrome? Is it just that I have a soft spot for to the misfits? Is it that I want to make a good horse, instead of buy one. Pride? Greed? Scottish thrift? I want to buy both of these horses.... even though neither of them really suit my needs.
I can not buy them.... but that doesnt mean that I have to stop dreaming about what I'd do with them if I could!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Help! My purse is soaked in beer!
Ladies, you know how hard it is to find the perfect every day purse!! Well I had it!
But it needs saving!
You see....
This evening DB and I went to the Tim McGraw concert. (It f'n ROCKED!!! I mean really, really rocked it and I didnt even consider myself that big of a fan (of his music anyways *ahem*) Here is a link to his tour dates, go see 'em!)
But never mind that now!
The problem is that some jackass spilled his beer on my purse! That soft buttery leather is now totally saturated with that sickly sweet, sticky booze! Yuck!
Is there any way it can be saved?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
REBA baby!

Anyways, DB and I lucked out with the location of our seats... we were like three rows up and four rows out from the stage so we had a great view... however, we werent so lucky with the company we landed in! The folks in front of us where really quite strange....some lady with with a fanny pack, bad perm and a serious fetish for Reba that was spastic enough that a guard had to come tell her to chill out. She scared me a little. The older lady on my left was really quite nice but had an unfortunate flatulence problem... I was thinking Oh crap, people are going to think that is me! But then I'd think, Oh dont worry! I doubt anyone else can smell it... which was about the same point that DB leaned over and asked "Was that you?"

And then there was the gal on our right. If DB had slipped a dollar bill in her jeans I cant say I would have blamed him... after all she was practically giving him a lap dance! Red head, young, heavy makeup and a skinny ass that she insisted on shaking in DB's face at every chance she got. I'm not the jealous type (okay I am but that's beside the point) but this girl was over the top... she actually fell into his lap at one point.

But, despite Stalker Sue up front, Stinky on the left and Sex Pot on the right I actually did have a pretty good time. Reba sang Midnight in Georgia, Fancy, The Greatest Love I Never Knew, Because of You and so many more of her classic hits. She also did a pretty funny skit with her Reba co-star Melissa Peterman and a duet ( with Canadian opener Crystal Shawanda.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I cast the role of Jamie Fraser!

...(as in James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser.... as in the actor to play Jamie Fraser in the Outlander movie! As in the screen adaptation of the best selling Outlander series by the amazing Diana Gabaldon!... die hard fans have endlessly debated the casting of this larger-than-life-but-oh-so-glorious-Scott but almost always come back to the same man... but it will not do!
I am bucking the trend and saying "Down with Gerard Butler!"
Okay, not really... I'm actually a big fan of Mr. Butler but Jamie is suppose to be 21 in Outlander, for goodness sakes! Gerard is in his forties already there is just no way he can pull off a coming-of-age Catholic virgin, Scottish accent or no!

So who did I find? Well, first let me tell you he's not Scots.... but really, how hard is it to master an accent that most people cant understand half the time anyways?
What counts is that he is big, buff and (maybe not Jamie's 6'4") but as far as actors go, a near giant at 6'1"!
He's ruggedly good looking (having modeled for Ambercrombie and Fitch, American Eagle, GAP and others) and is currently the new "it" boy in Hollywood after the success of his staring role in Dear John.
His military, dance, and martial art background shine through giving him an authentic and athletic grace, raw physicality, poise and that (oh-so-necessary) menacing air of confidence and superiority.
His face roughly fits Gabaldons description of Jamie: close set, deep eyes, been-broken-before nose, and a full lower lip... his nose isnt long, nor is his mouth wide but he has the sharp edged jaw, and celtic look (having some Irish blood).
He even has a hint of red in his beard and a ruddy cskin that could easily pull off the look of a natural red head. And at age 29 he'll be the right age to play both Jamie of young and old(er).
Okay so are you ready? Wanna know who I've got?!!?
Why the fine Mr. Channing Tatum of course!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010
The horse I think I should love + update- more on Willy
I am going to be a little presumptuous here and suggest that Willy is the kind of horse that we women should buy the first time around but often dont... not until we've over indulged our "Flicka Syndrome" one time to many and have come to appreciate a safe steady Eddie (or Willy)... to for go all of that wild fire and romance for a consistent, safe and enjoyable companion.
I dont find the prospect of buying this gelding necessarily exciting... but he is the kind of horse that would be smart to look at!
Willy's ad says that he is a 12-year-old, APHA gelding, 15.2HH tall with experience in reining, cows, clinics and as a schooling horse. He hauls, ties, clips, bathes and has placed in shows. The ad claims his video will tell the story and I believe it does.
I could take Willy today and show him at some level of reining, Western Pleasure, Trail, Cattle Penning or throw a rope off of him and then throw an English saddle on him and show him on the flat or try some dressage. He really could be a Jack of all trades.
I think he's priced well at $4500us.
(FYI- I dont know the owners of Willy and havent actually sent them this post (but will). I cant say if Willy really is a good prospect or not but he is the kind of horse I'd personally travel to see. Willy is in NW Washington.)
I left the following comment (or I should say, a less articulate version of this comment) on Story's All Gear No Skill blog in an effort to offer my advice on the subject of giving up a good horse who just isnt working for it's rider. Also, my opinion on how we, as horse lovers, are often inexplicably drawn towards certain horses, a "love at first sight" phenomenon, even though that horse isnt necessarily the best fit.
My comment....
"I am a hopeless romantic who leads with her heart and has bought many horse after "falling in love" at first sight (or even at first sight of their ad!) On paper a few of those horses even worked on paper too but in end many caused me a lot of heartache when I was forced to sell them because they were not a good fit. What I had to learn was to respect good, solid horses and to have faith that, given enough time, I will fall in love with any horse, especially one who make me happy and helps me follow my dreams.
It is SOOO unemotional sounding (and I am anything but) to say that you should only buy a horse that fits your needs on paper...
.... While I want to instantly fall in love, (when I first meet my future horse) I know now that it is more important that the horse works for me and that she be sweet and willing....
... I know that it is possible to find both at the same time (because I've had it happen) but I had to learn to stop leading with my heart. Think of it as falling in love with that friend you've known for ages, the one who's always been there for you but you never felt romantic towards until one day something changes."
Dont hold me to it or anything but I think that when I go to buy my next horse I'll try really hard to focus first on whole "respect" thing and not put so much stock in my level of attraction towards a certain prospect.
It's much easier to sell a horse that does everything you need but who you dont love than to sell a horse that you love but who doesnt do anything you need.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Hawky says, "Houston, we have a problem!"
"What is it? What's wrong!!?? Has Timmy fallen in the well?"
Hawky's body quivered and he yelped impatiently before turning and trotting into the bathroom.
Curious as to what he could possibly have him in such a tizzy, I followed.
When I flicked on the bathroom light I was surprised to find Hawky sitting intently before the toilet staring in to the recesses of the bowl as if the proverbial Timmy really were lost within it's recesses.
What was it?

I believe Hawky's impatient and high pitched whine could be interpreted as, "OMG!! It's my ball! My ball!! It's drowning!! DROoooooWNING!!! Hurry! *he calls like a Curler* Hurry and save it!!" And I swear he was actually trying to put get his leg over the lip in an effort to paw it out!
I wish my dog loved me as much as he loves his ball. When or if I fell in the toilet (ehem! Men! Seat DOWN please) I bet Hawky wouldnt lift a paw to save me:)
*no balls were harmed in the making of this post*
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Disney Movies of Old

It is not suprising that I sometimes get my Disney characters mixed up, after all I grew up watching a whole pluthera of animated movies- being of that generation who enjoyed both the big budget animated Disney movies like Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and The Beast, The Little Mermaid, and Toy Story as well as the classics like Snow White, Pinocchio, Lady and Tramp, and The Jungle Book.
I was thinking of Disney movies (or I guess I should say animated feature films) that I once loved but have since forgotten about like "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", "The Wind in the Willows", "Oliver and Company", "All Dogs Go To Heaven", "The Land Before Time" and so many more.

Check out this scene wherein Pip tries to warn the prince that his attendant (the man trying to stop Pip from talking) is secretly working for the wicked witch and trying to kill the princess with a poisoned apple!
Too cute for words!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Blessed is the Quiet

As women we feel this inherent need to share- to express and commensurate. We also sometimes feel the need to wrap ourselves in the comforts of home and tune out the world at large, to seek that quiet place within ourselves and rest a while there. So please excuse me if I take this time. And don't be surprised if I change my mind tomorrow... another distinct female trait, fickleness, is one I'm certainly guilty of at times:)
Thank you for your well wishes for my sister.... She is resting and healing.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Jingles for my sister, please.

As bad as it is, my sister is walking, her spine is in tact, her brain is as sharp as every and her heart is beating strong. There is so very much to be thankful for... but it is hard to remember that when you see someone you love in pain.
I believe in energy and positive thinking and so would greatly appreciate any "jingles" for my sister's health and speedy recovery... no need to leave a comment, just a moments thought is all it takes.
Thank you and I'll post an update soon.

(a few pictures from the flight home)