Sunday, January 24, 2010

It's Raining Horses!!!

I signed a lease today on a mare named Jewel!!!! I am SO excited!!! AND I've ridden two times in as many days and I'll be three for three tomorrow! How happy am I? THRILLED.

Pictures will be soon to come on Jewel. She is about 14.2, bay with a bright white star, built like a brick shite-house and as cute as a button. My English lesson is tomorrow AND I was offered another horse to ride last night.

When it rains, it pours.... It's rainin' horses baby!!!


  1. Yeah!!! I am so excited for you. I can't wait to see pictures of your new horse!!! Congrats!

  2. Yippie! Can't wait to see her pretty face!

  3. Fun!! Looking forward to the pics! :)

  4. How wonderful! Can't wait to see pix of Jewel!!

  5. That's great news! Can't wait to see some pics and hear more details... :-)

  6. Wonderful news, can't wait for pictures

  7. very exciting! Can't wait to see pictures! Congrats on getting a horse to ride again!

  8. That's great! When it rains it pours, have fun.

  9. Congratulations - have a great time!

  10. Congratulations! Look forward to seeing pictures and sharing adventures!

  11. Ya that is so exciting, cant wait to see pics of her!

  12. Hallelujah it's raining horses!! LOL!! I had to finish the song!! I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see pictures of you and her!!

  13. That's great! She sounds like a mare named Jewel that I rode years ago. Looking forward to hearing updates and seeing pictures.

  14. Yay! I'm so happy for you! Congrats!

    Now if it will only rain horses for me, too. All we get around here is snow....I don't think it ever snows horses, does it? :-(


    word verification: mistec

  15. Great news! How exciting!?! I am almost kind of relieved for you because I know you NEED a pony! MUST SEE pictures!!

  16. YAY!!!!!!!

    (PICTURES! NOW! You know how demanding we are out here)

  17. So exciting!!! Want more details! How did this come about? Did you find her at the barn you are taking lessons at? Glad you are enjoying your lessons, can't wait to hear more about what you are learning! I start my first lesson very soon, I am so excited!!
