The past four days have been spent, by and large, reading the Twilight series of books by Stephanie Mayer. I am a wee bit
embarrassed that I became so

wrapped up in a teen romance novel, but not enough to stop myself from doing so. I used the excuse that it was "research" as I have been plugging away at my story (that started with the Ghosting It Forward tag and that slowly grew to a life of its own.) I wanted to read a few books written for teens, like Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants and others like the Twilight series because they managed to
transcend the
boundaries of their "teen"
category to be enjoyed by a much larger audience (and are International Bestsellers). So I had an excuse, right?
Well, as it would turn out, I absolutely loved the Twilight books, inexplicably so! I
couldn't quite put my finger on what it was that I loved so much about them. Sure they are well written,
surprisingly rich in detail and imagery, extremely
suspenseful. I read for 600+ page novels in four it would be safe to call them page turners. Something about the first three of the four novels I related to because of my own personal experiences at that age. I can see how many adult woman would be happy to relive their first love or heartbreaking crush by becoming
immersed in the helpless romance between Bella and Edward, the fact that Edward is a vampire, not withstanding. I am not a sci-
fi kinda girl, but will happily put aside the whole vampire thing for the sake of a good love story... and a good love story it was.... Even if slightly cliche...a
testament to the age old paradox of a young women's insatiable desire to win the heart of the unobtainable, the perfectly delicious,
the bad boy, with a lust and passion second to none.
With that being said....
My only regret was that the author wrote them to be appropriate for teens...IMHO,
much older teens, but still teens. Maybe I am becoming prudish with age, surely I
wouldn't want my daughters to read such

LOL!!... But while I am prudish about what I would want my daughters to be reading, I am not at all ashamed to admit that as an adult woman the chasteness of the author was frustrating, indeed! I like to read
literary fiction just as much as the next guy but when it comes to this kind of romance...*blush* I prefer a little more....... *hint hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
So, I still have to do a little more "research" in reading a few more popular teen novels but before I do I might have to invest in a few good old fashion smut novels to get me by. A
Harlequin....Something with a pirate and
virgin, perhaps?
Don't look at me like that! You
know you love it too!